My Uncle Mick

Created by Stephentstock 3 years ago

My uncle Mick was funny, loving & caring & always made me feel extra special. 
Reflecting on his life & memories of him there are two things that always come to mind. The first thing I remember is watching uncle Mick marching in the yearly Lowerstoft parade decked out in his RAF uniform. How proud my cousins & I were watching him from Stead & Simpsons balcony, which was my family home.

The second is a tale he always reminded me of is when he was a small boy. He would deliberately step on his mum’s corn on her foot to get her to chase him up loads of stairs to the attic room knowing that by the time she got there she would be too tired to chastise him! That showed what a ‘cheeky chappy’ my uncle was.

Since his passing I have had many fond & loving memories of uncle Mick which will remain with me for the rest of my life. God bless you uncle Mick & RIP.
Your loving nephew Steve